Voters in Pennsylvania will have five candidates to choose from for the position of auditor general in the upcoming elections on Nov. 5. The incumbent, Republican Tim DeFoor, is seeking a second term and will be facing off against Democratic state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta, Alan “Bob” Goodrich of the Constitution Party, Libertarian Reece Smith, and Eric K. Anton of the American Solidarity Party.
One of the candidates, Malcolm Kenyatta, is a 34-year-old native of Philadelphia who has served in the state House since 2018. He is known for his progressive stances on issues such as raising the minimum wage, gun control, and LGBTQ rights. Kenyatta has also been a vocal advocate for increased government transparency and accountability.
If elected as auditor general, Kenyatta plans to create a Bureau of Labor and Worker Protections to investigate wage theft and union busting, take responsibility for school compliance audits, ensure transparency in the use of state funds by hospitals and long-term care providers, and review the state’s approach to reducing gun violence.
Kenyatta has received endorsements from various organizations and political figures, including the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, several unions, Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey, and members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation.
During his campaign, Kenyatta won a contentious primary race, at one point accusing his opponent of racism. However, he remains focused on his goal of serving as a watchdog for Pennsylvania’s working families and bringing about positive change through government reform.
For more information on the candidates running for auditor general in Pennsylvania, voters are encouraged to visit campaign websites and make an informed decision at the polls.
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