Monday, February 17, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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Michigan Trump supporters prepared to acknowledge 2024 election outcome

During the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud were disproven, but he continues to prime his supporters to reject election results in tight races. As he campaigns for the 2024 election, Trump has told supporters to ensure the election is “too big to rig.” Many of his supporters who attended rallies in Michigan are ready to accept the outcome even if he loses.

First-time voter Thomas Van Overloop, 19, is excited to cast his ballot and does not plan to contest any election results. While some Trump voters are certain of his loss being illegitimate, others like Lauren Marougy are undecided and would accept a loss without causing a fuss.

Republican poll worker Josie Kornev plans to vote early and believes in the freedom to vote but will accept the outcome even in the event of a Trump defeat. Meanwhile, Trump voter Shawn Clapper, who voted absentee in 2020, believes the election was stolen and would not protest a Trump loss.

Retired engineer Ron Piskor trusts the in-person voting system more and will wait to see if any suspicious activity is reported by poll workers before making a decision on the legitimacy of the election. Manufacturer Matt Swift plans to vote in person and has confidence in Trump’s chances, but is willing to accept the outcome even if Trump does not win.

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